Listening To The Consciousness of Your Home
Laura Cerrano
Deep listening is one of the very first steps in the practice of Feng Shui and dowsing. In the healing community, we call this, ‘holding space.’ Holding space, means we listen to a person’s story without judgment or assumptions. This may seem unimportant, yet this can be a very powerful medicine for all.
Prior to any Feng Shui or Dowsing Healing taking place, clients and even the home will take time to share their stories of the past. Knowing the history can create an easier connection to the present moments and situations being experienced. With each story shared, another layer of awareness and acknowledgment is peeled back thus providing guidance on how to proceed with connecting to the consciousness of the person and their home.
How so? Looking at this through the lens of Feng Shui, the home becomes a metaphor for that person and their life experiences. By helping the client to tune into the consciousness of their home, they intern have the opportunity to learn more about themselves from an environmental self-reflection. Through the ‘re-arrangement’ of items, the selection of specific objects, colors, symbols, and elements, they begin to create a new narrative of their life’s story. They step into the driver's seat by choosing to participate in making changes that can encourage and promote the groundwork for increased self-awareness, spiritual growth, improved self-esteem, stronger healthy levels of assertiveness, and so much more! Much of the changes depend on the client’s intentions and reasons for expressing the need to change. Feng Shui-ing their home allows for a safe space to practice these changes and maintain that support.
Feng Shui is not a one-time ‘fix.’ It requires nurturing, sometimes even digging deeper and sifting through some heavy hitter topics that could be keeping you stuck, while providing assisted support in having the courageousness to face them head-on. You may also need the assistance of other healing practices (let that be western or eastern).
To put this discussion in a more tangible way, ask yourself, do you maintain and care for your own body? I hope so, because your body is constantly changing. The body you had at 20 years of age is different from a body at age 50. It requires a new sense of awareness to help operate it at its optimal levels. This is the same for your living and working environments through the lens of Feng Shui.
As you grow and transform, so will your surroundings and the consciousness of your home and self, as nothing is separate.