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Certified NYC Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano has over 20-years of on-site and remote Feng Shui & Design consulting. Consultations, seminars and classes provided in New York City and Los Angeles California, along with National and International locations.

Feng Shui Manhattan Healing Blog

Certified New York City Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano provides weekly Feng Shui Tips and insights to help inspire and support a new engagement with your daily surroundings internally and externally. She also explores the latest overlaps between the metaphysical sciences and modern-day sciences. In addition, Laura shares guidance into a variety of healing modalities, such as with Reiki, Dowsing, and Meditation to help support you with healthier lifestyle choices for the body, mind, and spirit.

Feng Shui Space Clearing - What Are Hungry Ghosts?

Laura Cerrano

The topic I would love to explore with you today, ventures into the realm of the unseen, in particular, Hungry Ghosts. Over millennias, man and animals have occupied mother earth with interactions that range from positive, to neutral and at times harmful experiences.

According to Feng Shui, which is heavily influenced by Buddhist and Taoist principles, it’s said with each interaction among one another (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) energetic imprints are created and become rooted into the memory of the land. Some of these roots can reach so deep, even in the present moments of today, you can still sense, see and feel the impact of certain occurrences that have unfolded in the past. This is especially the case when encountering sections of land that have trauma; violence, war, mis-treatment (pollution) of the land and oceans.

Let’s refine our focus toward the topic of Hungry Ghosts. This is a term you’ll commonly hear in the practice of Feng Shui, especially if you are studying the in-depth teachings to becoming a professionally trained Certified Feng Shui Consultant.

What are Hungry Ghosts?

According to Taoist tradition it is believed that hungry ghosts can arise from people whose deaths have been violent or unhappy. It is also believed, hungry ghosts can emerge from neglect or desertion of ancestors. “According to the Hua-yen Sutra, evil deeds will cause a soul to be reborn in one of of the lower realms, which in this case would be the hungry ghosts realm.” Hungry Ghosts are universally described as human-like wraiths with mummified skin, narrow withered limbs, grossly bulging stomachs, long thin necks and tiny mouths. You’ll find similar writings in Hindu, Sikh, and Jain texts.[1]

Let me offer you a literal example of where hungry ghosts can be overwhelmingly felt due to the harmful deeds of one human to another. Between July 1st - 3rd in 1863, The Battle of Gettysburg ensued (one of the bloodiest battles during the Civil War), taking approximately 51,000 souls when all was said and done.[2] Due to that violence, the land has become permeated with wandering hungry ghosts.

As living beings, we do encounter hungry ghosts daily. On a tangible discussion, you may not literally see hungry ghosts (unless you have developed your mediumship abilities), however, you could feel their presence.

How so? They reveal themselves in different ways and you can take notice to this through your own behavior. Some hungry ghosts feed off emotions, such as with prolonged jealousy or grief. Others have an uncontrollable hunger for a particular substance, such as with drugs and alcohol. If you are addicted to any of these substances, a hungry ghost is sure to be found nearby, supporting that unhealthy behavior. You can even come across hungry ghosts who are constantly seeking an object or collection of objects. This could be translated into the human experience as having the uncontrollable desire to hoard things.

I’ve had a hungry ghost or two cross my own path. The most memorable time was when I was most vulnerable, after the death of my mother. I was in grief for two years and during that time, I was not taking care of myself. Due to that, it made me and my home a very easy target for hungry ghosts to feast.

how to release hungry ghosts?

Feng Shui provides you with the opportunity to make positive adjustments and maintain clear, healthy and thriving life force energy within your living/working environment and within yourself. And this can be accomplished through very simple means; letting the outside in (more light and fresh air into your home), the addition of brighter colors, include real living plants, removing objects that are keeping you mentally and emotionally stuck, releasing dead shrubs, trees and enhancing the landscape around your property. Again, there is so much more you can do, this is just gracing the surface as each person’s situation is unique in what could be recommended.

In regard Space Clearings, this practice comes from Buddhist and Taoist traditions. The short version of this is both practices perform rituals that transmute and release the sufferings of the deceased (hungry ghosts). Monks and priests often throw rice or other small foods into the air in all directions to distribute them to the ghosts.[3] Altars with offerings of food, fruits, water, spices, herbs and burning of incense (i.e. white sage, sweetgrass, sandalwood) to suffice the hunger of the ghosts to send them away so they do not bother the occupants of the home. In modern day practices of space clearings, Feng Shui consultants who offer this service follow the same principles, only adapting them to the modern-day lifestyle.

The information I’ve shared with you is not about creating fear. It’s about inviting you to see the world you live in and interact with from a different perspective. Perhaps it may even encourage a positive shift with your own personal behaviors and choices in how you choose to care for yourself, others, and the land you occupy.


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