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Certified NYC Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano has over 20-years of on-site and remote Feng Shui & Design consulting. Consultations, seminars and classes provided in New York City and Los Angeles California, along with National and International locations.

Feng Shui Manhattan Healing Blog

Certified New York City Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano provides weekly Feng Shui Tips and insights to help inspire and support a new engagement with your daily surroundings internally and externally. She also explores the latest overlaps between the metaphysical sciences and modern-day sciences. In addition, Laura shares guidance into a variety of healing modalities, such as with Reiki, Dowsing, and Meditation to help support you with healthier lifestyle choices for the body, mind, and spirit.

Feng Shui Tips for Virtual Dating While Social Distancing

Laura Cerrano

Virtual dating while social distancing may actually provide us with an opportunity to cultivate better emotional, intellectual, and platonic (friendship) intimacy vs only focusing on the physical intimacy of sex when dating. Below, i’ve created a list of energetic and practical Feng Shui Tips to help navigate you through the virtual dating world.

virtual dating ideas while social distancing through with Feng Shui:

1. Online dating is at the top of the list while social distancing. However, its strongly recommended to be mindful of which dating app you choose. Are you looking for a long term relationship or to hook up? With the current collective emotional and psychological mindset pulsating into the world, it might be wise to choose a dating app that has the reputation of providing better opportunities for stable dating. I did some research and these are the top dating apps that appeared. Of course, use discernment and common sense.

  1. Coffee Meets Bagel

  2. Match

  3. The League

  4. Bumble

  5. Elite Singles

  6. OkCupid 

  7. Once . 

2. Set up your online dating profile. You are meeting strangers online, so this means be SMART with what you share. And you don’t need to tell someone your entire life story in one swoop on your profile. Trust needs to be built and they need to earn your story.

Some base ideas on how to create your dating profile:

- Display at least a headshot photo, and one that is up to date

- Include one or two things you are passionate about (such as with animals, hiking, climbing, photography)

- Include one or two things you enjoy (such as hanging out with friends, staying fit)

- Be clear and honest with the type of relationship you are seeking.

FYI: The key to manifesting anything in your life first begins from within; your mind and heart. This is true! If you keep holding onto the subconscious thought of, “I’m not good enough,” “I’ll never find anyone,” etc, that is the very reality you are imposing upon yourself. STOP THAT! Begin reframing your focus of thought to be, “I except me,” “I’m open and receptive to receiving an authentic relationship,” or whatever other positive qualities you can reference for yourself and in regard to a healthy relationship. Remember, where attention goes, energy flows.

3. What is your first impression? Since you can’t date in-person right now, when setting up Zoom, Facetime, or a Skype video conference call for the date, still take the time to present your space respectively as it becomes an extension of who you are and is part of the first impression. This does not mean the person your virtually dating has to see your entire home. It’s just saying pick an area within your home that you would like to chat with them and is presentable. However, it’s also a great idea that you upkeep your own home for yourself, first and foremost.

Possible Idea: Perhaps when engaging with your virtual date you could set up shop within the partnership/love corner (Southwest) section of your home or within an individual room, if space allows. Of course, be practical. If that area of your home or room does not work, just choose a well lit area with a good background.

P.S. As a friendly reminder, you can even take a moment to spruce yourself up before the virtual date, however you personally wish to define that.

4. Have integrity. If you or the person whom your dating invites you to a virtual date, still arrive on time! This is one of many building blocks to trust, which is foundational in any type of relationship.

Photo of Aldo and Laura

Photo of Aldo and Laura

5. Be creative with your virtual date. My husband and I are in a bicoastal relationship, now in the 6 year mark. Just about every other month to 2 months, my husband and I will fly out to visit one another. During the months we can’t physically be together, we stay in contact with virtual dating methods. We do this by setting up weekly virtual dates that include cooking together and sharing meals, drawing and sharing our creations with one another, visiting virtual art galleries, watching movies, joining virtual community meditation sessions, etc. There is so much you can do! For those who would like additional ideas, here is a list: 16 Virtual Date Ideas.

6. Clear out the old to welcome in the new. This is foundational in Feng Shui! In terms of dating, if you have items, photos, letters, emails, text messages that you seriously don’t need, let it go! By creating space within your home, closets and bedroom dresser drawers you are intentionally signalling to the universe, “I’m open to making an exchange of the old for the new.”

What if you want to be in contact with you ex? And you want to hold onto old photos, love letters, etc? That becomes a personal preference. If you see the connection with your ex is not influencing your dating habits or current relationships, that is your call. If anything, in general the Feng Shui principles promote the ‘containment’ of your ex’s items so their energy is not intermingling with your new relationship. This meaning, you can gather those items and contain them inside a box or storage unit until you decide what you’d really like to do with his or her things.

7. Light white sage. Consider this a deeper energetic clearing to help uproot old energy cords from past lovers. Pair this with removing your ex’s things from your home and you have a strong combination for purging unwanted energy.

8. Encourage partnership energy from within your home by displaying items in pairs. Modern day Feng Shui promotes the arrangement of items in pairs because it holds space for a partner whom you wish to share energy and experiences with, even if for now through virtual connections; “act as if it already exists.” And this is still the case for couples living inside the same household. For those in a healthy relationship, displaying photos of you and your partner is a form of acknowledgment and celebration! And for those in a Long Distance relationship, by displaying symbols or photos of you both, it creates a ‘ley-line’ of energy that helps keep the connection strong from home to home.

9. Remain in communication. If you truly wish to cultivate a relationship, you need to maintain a healthy level of communication. Text, email, video chat, you have so many options! It could be a simple text that say, “just saying hi! seeing how your doing?” Or, maybe you email them an interesting article you came across or a fun photo, etc. The simple fact that you are thinking about the person and chose to send them a message, is huge!

10. Be clear with your communication. If your date happens to say something to you during a virtual meetup that you don’t fully understand or maybe you even felt offended by, be honest with them. It’s good to clear the air sooner, rather than later. And this does not mean, jump down their throat. Be grounded, calm and clear minded when speaking so both parties and listen and respond.

Quick feng shui bedroom tips:

  • Ideally having two night stands is good as this symbolically promotes the engagement of a balanced relationship.

  • Including soft textures, such as with an area rug (size and style is up to you) to promote yin (female energy).

  • Wooden headboard and bed frame is recommended to symbolize support when sleeping

  • Images that depict your verbal and emotional definition of love, is recommended within your home, not just the bedroom. For example, I have two hummingbirds by my front door. To me that image symbolizes partnership (2’s) and interdependence.

  • Accents of soft colors, traditionally pink for love in Feng Shui, but any soft warm color will do.

  • Make your bed in the morning. This promotes self respect and allows your room to be prepped and ready for sleep!

  • Try not to keep too much storage underneath your bed. Energy rises up and when sleeping we are even more vulnerable. The exception is lines and clothing (they are seen as more neutral in energy).

New york feng shui consultant Laura Cerrano has over with 23+ years of experience providing bicoastal consultations and workshops for residential, real estate developments, Fortune 500 companies, and healing facilities. She is currently conducting research for her upcoming book that focuses on bridging the gap between the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui and modern day science to establish the practice of Feng Shui as a credible form of assisted healing within the healthcare system.