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Feng Shui Bathroom Tip for Developers and Architects - Toilet Bowl Placement

When designing a Feng Shui building, there are many principles to keep in mind. To offer a simple tip, I’ll focus on the bathroom, with emphasis on the ideal toilet bowl placement. This may sound insignificant, but this design detail can have positive impacts on sales and the well-being of occupants.

In Feng Shui it’s commonly recommended not to see the toilet bowl upon walking into the bathroom. Why? By seeing this bathroom appliance right away, it’s believed to hinder (drain) a person’s energy. The toilet bowl has become a metaphor of drain due to the constant downward movement of water flow.

This becomes more of a concern if the toilet is aligned with a bathroom doorway that opposes a kitchen stove, bed, baby’s crib, desk or doorway leading into your home.

What Is The Best Feng Shui Remedy?

Design a bathroom layout where you conceal the toilet bowl. An example of this concept is below.

The images you see illustrate a toilet bowl hidden behind a wall.

The image above illustrates looking into the bathroom and not seeing the toilet bowl. This would be the ideal placement, to conceal it.

If you implement this idea, be sure the mirror(s) you install within the bathroom do NOT reflect the toilet bowl. Why? Mirrors in Feng Shui are believed to multiply what they see. So this means, you do not want to multiply the metaphor of drain.

Now, when it comes to the placement of the bathroom in regard to the overall floor plan of an individual home or apartment unit, that is an entirety different conversation. However, this is a small detail that can have a positive influence when considering the layout of your bathroom appliances.

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