Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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How to Develop Your Feng Shui Abilities - Become a Conscious Eater

When you hear the words Feng Shui, many tend to associate that with furniture vs food. However, for those of you who are active Feng Shui consultants, and really, anyone who is seeking an easier more open connection to spirit, their higher self, and intuition, please keep this Feng Shui Self-care tip in mind.

An important, yet overlooked aspect to any successful energy work, is being a conscious eater. Food in its own regard carries certain vibrations that can either support or drain your energy and focus. A more tangible way in how to translate this is choosing to eat foods that are lighter vs denser in feeling during, and after consuming them. In the holistic healing community, it’s said lighter foods leave your body more open and receptive, while denser foods help ground you (when eaten in moderation) or could shut you down (making you feel heavy, sluggish, and tired).

Laura Cerrano is not a medical doctor, so it is strongly encouraged to know your own body and discover what foods work for you vs not. When in doubt, perhaps team up with a trusted certified nutritionist to find out on a scientific level the types of foods that specifically support your body type. It’s also understood, you can go even deeper into this conversation about the choices of eating meat vs not. The information provided is a starting guideline and each person will need to come to their own conclusion on how they choose to define consciousness eating for themselves.

Photo by NY Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano

Base Recommendations to Consider:

General High-Vibrational Food List:

  • Raw nuts and seeds

  • Olive and coconut oils

  • Ancient grains, such as buckwheat, amaranth, and spelt

  • Raw chocolate

  • Clean, mineral water

  • Herbal teas

  • Raw honey (in moderation)

  • Fermented foods

  • Brown rice

  • Legumes

  • Green supplements, like spirulina

  • Avocado

  • Fresh fruits (choose fruits that have a less sugary content when able to)

  • Fresh veggies, lightly steamed and herbs

  • Extra-virgin organic olive oil

  • Quinoa

General High-Energy Vibrational Protein List:

If you can, try to receive your protein from plant sources and/or keep to fairly lean protein-based meats that you ingest.

  • Lentils

  • Kidney beans

  • Black beans

  • Walnuts

  • Oats and Barley

  • Split peas

  • Pinto beans

  • Chicken and fish are said to be ok when eaten in moderation. Even take into consideration for chicken if they are free-range and how they were fed. Same with the fish, it’s recommended to only choose wild-caught fish. These can be your grounding foods.

photo by Laura Cerrano of Feng Shui Manhattan, Inc

General Low-Energy Vibrational Food List:

  • Processed foods - canned & frozen foods

  • Microwaved, GMO, and pre-packaged foods

  • Alcohol

  • Coffee and any other caffeinated drinks

  • Soda

  • White rice & flour

  • Cold-cuts (processed meats)

  • Fast food meals

  • Pasteurized dairy products - milk, cheese, etc

  • Beef and Pork

  • Canola oils, Palm oils and margarine

  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners


The preparation of food is important too! My mother, Carole Provenzale used to say, our food is prepared, created, and served with love. Holding intention in all that you do really does matter.

One last final insight is to eat portion sizes that don’t fill you to the brim. Even that simple reminder can help you stay light on your feet and sharp as a whip when providing holistic Feng Shui healing sessions to your clients.

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