Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Long Island & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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What Is Geopathic Stress?

Photo by Laura Cerrano Feng Shui Manhattan Consultant

The surface of the earth is woven with intricate networks of energy threads identical to that of meridians you’ll find throughout the human body. These networks of subtle energies are responsible for the health and growth of nature, and any interruption to its harmonious flow could have profound effects upon the land, water, and living organisms.

Derived from the Greek words, "Geo" means "Earth" and "Pathic" means a disease or suffering. Put them together and you have “suffering of the Earth.” However, the word ‘pathic’ is also found in words that relate to the ability to feel, perceive or sense specific energies for healing (as in empathic and telepathic).

The general definition of Geopathic Stress is the study of earth energies (earth rays) and their detrimental effects on the well-being of humans and animals. Please keep in mind, not all earth rays are bad, there are some that can be very beneficial, such as with healing vortexes. Other earth rays could also be neutral, allowing you to shift the energy to be in a more favorable frequency.

Some dowsers, geomancers, and Feng Shui Masters umbrella other geopathic findings that are responsible for stress-related diseases. These findings may also include underground subterranean water currents (water veins), large mineral concentrations, different fault lines that emit specific electromagnetic fields, underground mining tunnels - cavities, or even explosions into mountainsides to create roads or train tracks. Geopathic stress could even be due to emotional trauma or violence that took place on the land (such as with wars and riots).

It’s also important to keep in mind, it’s not that the earth's rays make you sick, it’s more about the rays weakening your energy, thus compromising the immune system and making you more susceptible to illnesses.

Is every human negatively affected by geopathic stress?

No. As for humans, If you are just passing through an area with geopathic stress, there will be little or no concern. However, if your home or office is located in a geopathic stress zone, you may be at more risk since you are spending 7 -8 hours within that area. If this is the case, locating where the GS is and taking preventive action is key!

How to cure GS? Depending on who you speak with, the response will vary, paired with what type of distorted energy you are dealing with. There could be at least 50 different categories healers need to review before finding the main reason or reasons for the energetic disturbances.

How about Animals, Can They Be affected by Geopathic stress (GS)?

Yes. Some animals love GS, while others will purposely avoid it. This goes the same for insects.

Animals who AVOID GS:

  • dogs

  • horses

  • cows

  • sheep

  • pigs

Insects who THRIVE in GS:

  • slugs

  • ants

  • wasps

  • bees

  • termites

Animals who THRIVE in GS:

  • cats

  • owls

  • corvids

  • snakes

How Would You Know if you Have Geopathic Stress?

There have been common symptoms reported that range from subtle to fairly extreme that seem to appear out of nowhere with no logical explanation in how to remedy the situation, even after visiting your primary care and speciality doctors. These symptoms may include:

  • Children bed wetting

  • Babies crying continuously

  • Allergies

  • Fatigue

  • Disturbing Dreams/Nightmares

  • Emotional irritability

  • Anxiety

  • Impatience

  • Cancer - i.e. breast cancer, prostate cancer, throat cancer, etc

  • Insomnia - trouble sleeping

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Miscarriages

  • Sick building syndrome

  • Irrational mood swings

  • Domestic disharmony

  • Problems buying or selling a home (divorce homes)

  • Bad-tempered

  • Mentally worn down

  • Past life/karmic issues

  • Constant employee turnover

  • Unhealthy patterns of revenue

Have there been any peer-reviewed scientific studies about Geopathic stress and its effects on the human body?

Not officially.

However, there have been independent studies by geobiologist Alf Riggs, Roy Riggs, Dr. Ernst Hartmann, Dr. Curry, and Winfried Otto Schumann.

Based on their research, its believed the most devastating of these symptoms is cancer. They have found tumors to develop the most around the spot where two or more GS lines cross a person’s body as they lie asleep in their bed. The bed is supposed to be a place for our body to rest and regenerate. When dealing with GS, the earth's rays prevent that from happening, thus making the immune system more prone to stress and illnesses. Again, this information is based on their collective studies from over the years.

Can the STructure of Home Express Geopathic stress symptoms?

Absolutely! Remember, in the teachings of Feng Shui your home is never separate from you and vs versa. Symptoms of a home/building that may have GS could include:

  • cracked foundation walls

  • cracked/broken windows (happen out of nowhere)

  • damp/moist environment

  • constant leaky pipes

  • electrical malfunctions (happening all the time)

  • chronically unresolved clutter across a house and outside of the house

  • dead or stunted gaps in hedges and avenues of trees

  • strangely twisted trees 

  • tumors in trees

  • ivy, bindweed, nettles, thistles, foxgloves, ferns, and nightshades are naturally attracted to Geopathic stress

Final thoughts …. for now …

As you can see, geopathic stress is not just one thing, there tends to be a lot of factors thrown into the discussion. The intention of this post is to help introduce yourself to seeing the world that you are constantly interacting with, through a new lens. Please stay tuned for additional upcoming dowsing and healing posts.

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