Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Long Island & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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Quick Feng Shui Real Estate Tips To Consider Before Moving Into An Apartment

Are you searching for a new apartment? Below are 7 quick Feng Shui Real Estate Tips to consider as you evaluate your apartment options.

1. investigate the PREDECESSOR Energy - History of the home and land

This Feng Shui tip invites you to investigate the history of the land and previous owner of the apartment (predecessor energy). The history that could be discovered may be favorable such as with, the previous owner just married and outgrew the space. Or, maybe the history reveals emotional or physical trauma unfolded due to chronic illness. Either way, it’s important not to ignore an energetic imprint has been set.

You could dig even deeper by dowsing for geopathic stress, water veins or any other detrimental energies. By doing so, you are providing yourself with additional insights about the type of energy you are about to step into and guidance in how to address it.

2. How is the Building Structure?

Based on Feng Shui principles, the overall structure of the building represents the human anatomy (internally and externally). This becomes even more important when working with a client who is already dealing with an illness. The intention is to choose a home with a foundation that is literally and energetically well cared for. A common phrase in feng shui is, ‘take care of your home and your home will take care of you.’

Quick Examples of How the Human Anatomy relates to the Home:

  • glass = eyes

  • doors = mouth

  • walls = skin

  • South = heart

  • East = liver

  • North = kidneys

  • West = lungs

Keep in mind, this is not to say you can’t move into an apartment that may need some work. Of course you can, and I’ve worked with plenty of clients that have had to. Within a reasonable amount of time the space was brought back into balance. Yet, if you can find an apartment that is ready for you to move into and requires no or minimal maintenance, that is pretty ideal for practical and energetic reasons.

3. Is there HEALTHY Vegetation Surrounding the building?

Even if you plan on living in an apartment, there can still be greenery either around the building or at least by the front entrance. Some buildings may allow climbing plants to grow along the wall, while others may reserve a small patch of green grass with a minimalist garden or a couple of potted plants near the entrance into the building. Be sure to also observe the vegetation surrounding the neighborhood.

Do you see trees, shrubs, bushes and/or flowers? How about in the center of the building?…is there a courtyard that offers a place to sit or walk amongst some green foliage? Seeing and interacting with healthy vegetation really does make a huge difference in mood and atmosphere.

4. How much Wildlife do you see?

Is there an abundance of healthy wildlife in the neighborhood you are considering to call home? Most common furry friends you’ll encounter in the city include squirrels and birds. Naturally, if you live closer to the water or a park (such as Central Park), you see even more amazing varieties. However, keeping this very simple, witnessing the presence of these creatures offers a great indication of healthy energy.

5. How Windy does it get around your building?

How the wind moves through city streets can also affect the energy of a building. It’s best to choose a building that will NOT be in alignment with receiving wind-tunnel effects. When entering and exiting your apartment, it should be a pleasant experience.

If looking to live inside a high rise apartment, inquire with management to see if soundproof windows have been installed. This can help reduce a lot of noise pollution from outside; gusty winds, honking horns, the sounds of people on the sidewalks.

6. what Sounds can you hear from Inside The Apartment Walls?

This tends to be an issue with older apartment buildings, being able to hear every sound and conversation from your neighbor. Yet, this is still very much something to keep in mind when evaluating a space (no matter if it’s an older building or brand new). Observe how much noise pollution can be heard from inside the apartment.

7. what Views do you see from the Apartment Window?

What do you see when looking outside the apartment windows? Are the views unobstructed? Does the view feel open and vast? Is there a local park or playground, do you see a harbor or ocean view? How about the other buildings and homes? Do they seem well taken care of? Do you see a blend of healthy vegetation mixed in with the architecture? This helps to balance yin (nature) with yang (man-made structures).

Or, do you observe sharp angles from other buildings facing toward the apartment windows? Sharp angles in Feng Shui relate to ‘cutting down’ a person’s energy. Another common situation to look out for is another building directly in front of your window, hogging all the light and making the space feel claustrophobic. It could also be wise to inquire about any new buildings being constructed around the one your looking at. If so, that is okay, as long as your view will not be interfered with. Is a minor detail but worth not ignoring.

Also keep a look out for views of graveyards, hospitals, fire departments, garbage dumps, construction sites, above ground subways and raised highways. The energy of these locations run the gamut of being extremely yin (graveyards and dumps) to very yang (hospitals, fire departments, subways and highways) due to function. The energy holds the potential to negatively impact the apartment, even more so if you choose not to Feng Shui the space and clear the energy before or after moving in.

I invite you to take a look at the image above. At first glance you may think, this view is awful! However, this client was in a bind for time and also budget. Based on their circumstances, this was the best option they came across. I’m sharing this quick back story and visual example because it also helps to illustrate negotiations to the feng shui real estate principle - what views do you see from the apartment window?

In my clients case, he may not have the best view (according to luxury and everyday standards), yet it’s also not the worst. Unlike some of his apartment neighbors, he does have much more open space, paired with a view of a community garden.

Please keep in mind, there are plenty more Feng Shui Real Estate tips to consider. For now, I invite you to keep these tips mind and I’ll share more recommendations in the near future.

Happy Home Manifesting!

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