Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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The Empathetic Design of Feng Shui

Empathy is the ability to understand, feel, and experience another person's spirit and soul through heart connection. This also includes the connection to mother earth’s creations and the entire universal dynamic. 

The implementation of Feng Shui suggestions goes way beyond the bases of making a room aesthetically pleasing. The Feng Shui consultant is acknowledging and working with his or her client on an empathic level. With no judgment, the consultant attentively listens to their clients story, which includes; life experiences that have cultivated a current mindset. These insights hold the key to why particular perspectives and/or behaviors toward themselves, others and the world have developed. This is essential information because it allows the consultant to establish a ‘game plan’ on how teach and guide their client tward transforming their existing environment to reflect a more supportive energetic, functional, and psychological platform they could thrive in.  


How does a Feng Shui Consultant gather this information? 

As you truly begin to peel back the layers of the Western Ba-gua map (also referred to as a life station map), you’ll see the life sections carry energetic frequencies, personality characteristics, archetypes, and an opportunity to discuss the conscious and subconscious mindsets. I find it facilitating how the environment tells an honest story of those occupying the space, even if the person(s) living there tires to conceal the truth.    

"What You Resist, Will Persist"

Feng Shui is calling in CHANGE. So if you are asking for change, yet choosing not to participate in the process of change that is in your best and highest interest, that feeling of being ‘stuck’ comes to the surface.

The implementation of Feng Shui into your home, office, and lifestyle does not have to be complicated. In fact, a good 20% is common sense. The additional 80% could become more ‘heavy hitter’ because that depends on the client's mindset, level of emotional intelligence, and habits.

In other words, if the client is willing to embrace self-development, along with implementing Feng Shui inside their living and working environment, they have an even greater opportunity for significant changes in their life. The benefits gear toward the focus of change they choose, along with some possible divine intervention, if needed.  

Laura Cerrano is a Full-time Certified Feng Shui expert with 23+ years of experience. She provides bi-coastal consultations and workshops for residential, real estate developments, Fortune 500 companies, and healing facilities. She is currently conducting research for her upcoming book that focuses on bridging the gap between the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui and modern day science to establish the practice of Feng Shui as a credible form of health care.

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