Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Long Island & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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Feng Shui Tip: Can Naming Your Home Boost Positive Energy?

This is a pretty interesting question to unravel, because in the science of Quantum Mechanics, EVERYTHING is made of energy, including; emotions, thoughts, and WORDS. 

Quickly referring to a branch of psychology called, Gestalt Psychology, studies suggested that words convey symbolic ideas beyond their meaning. 

Japanese researcher, Dr. Emoto said, "the human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water." Which in short means, if you choose to think and speak positively or think and speak negatively, this could affect your physiological well-being.  

So, can naming your home boost positive energy? From a Feng Shui perspective, backed with various scientific research, the answer is, YES! When you choose to name your home, you establish a personal bond with your space. You’re more likely to have more love, appreciation, and compassion for your home. It's less likely you'll cut corners when doing repairs, cleaning, and with general upkeep for your home.

 I refer to my home as "Sacred Space." The intention behind that name is to provide me with a foundation of growth, security, patience, love, and much more. Choosing a name for your home that you truly resonate with, is VERY IMPORTANT. Please take your time researching and connecting to a word or combination of words that speak to the energy you envision cultivating within your home. 

Remember, the energy of your home is always transforming because it's responding to your personal energy levels, thoughts, emotions and events that unfold over time. When things feel "heavy," or "off," I'll speak to the spirit and soul of my home through the practice of Reiki. I'll ask, "Sacred Space, what do you need within this current moment of time in order to regain harmony, which helps me to be in harmony and maintain that positive frequency."

Anyone could do this. All it requires is an open heart and mind. I invite you to adopt a meditation practice to enhance your connection of communication. And remember, you can also speak to the land your home is built upon. 

Important: Only due this energetic exercise within your own home. 


Gestalt Psychology

The New Yorker, The Power of Names, 2013

Dr. Emoto

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Feng Shui expert with 21+ years of experience. She provides bicoastal consultations and workshops for residential, real estate developments, Fortune 500 companies, and healing facilities. She is currently conducting research for her upcoming book that focuses on bridging the gap between the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui and modern day science to establish the practice of Feng Shui as a credible form of assisted healing within the healthcare system.